ICRI Downloads

ICRI Webinar: Groundborne noise control using tuned mass damper (29MAY24)

ICRI Webinar: Recap of the Ottawa 2023 Mini Workshop (07DEC23)
ICRI Webinar: Monash University’s PhD Research (29JUN23)
ICRI Webinar on Wheel-Rail Noise (21FEB23)
University of Sheffield Rail Innovation and Technology Center Research (17JAN23)
ICRI Webinar on Predictive maintenance in railway systems: MBS-based wheel and rail life prediction exemplified for the Swedish Iron Ore line (14DEC22)
ICRI Webinar on Experimental study on wear and RCF damage of wheel/rail materials under complex environment conditions (13APR22)
ICRI Webinar on Analytical Estimation of Impact Forces Due to Abrupt and Rapid Changes in Track Profile at Rail Ends and Turnout Crossings (02MAR22)
ICRI Webinar on Long- and Short-term effect of Top of Rail Friction Modifiers (TORFM) on Traction (26JAN22)
ICRI Webinar on Quantifying friction modifier effects on roughness and corrugation growth (14DEC21)
ICRI Webinar on Combination of simulation modelling process and experimental material testing program for shakedown analysis in locomotive studies (17NOV21)
ICRI Webinar on Grinding-induced Rolling Contact Fatigue in Rails (27OCT21)
ICRI Webinar on Introduction of the Concept of Apparent Track Stiffness: Variation of Railway Track Stiffness with Bogie Axle Spacing and Its Influence on Dynamic Impact Forces (06OCT21)
ICRI Webinar on Quality Indices to Manage Rail Grinding / Scoring of Rail Profiles (23JUN21)
ICRI Webinar on Modeling of rail defects (22APR21)
ICRI Webinar on Improving the reliability of rail welds under heavy haul conditions (24MAR21)
ICRI Webinar on Rail Profile Shape & Rail Life Extension (03MAR21)
ICRI Webinar – Applications of ultrasonics to rail/wheel performance monitoring (27JAN21)
ICRI Webinar – Autonomous vehicle-track interaction monitoring and railway infrastructure maintenance (09DEC20)

ICRI Workshop on Broken Rails (02DEC20)

ICRI Webmeeting on Introduction of Bezgin-Kolukırık Equations to estimate peak dynamic impact forces caused by wheel flats (Presented 03NOV20)

ICRI Webmeeting on Development of a Modelling Tool for Predicting Wheel/Rail Interface Friction with Leaves (Presented 08OCT20)

ICRI Webmeeting on Wheel-Rail Creep Forces and Testing and Modelling of TOR Friction Products (Presented 28JUL20)

ICRI Webmeeting on Pummeling Simulation and Broken Rails (Presented 14JUL20)

ICRI Webmeeting on Squats and Wheel Squeal (Presented 30JUN20)

ICRI Webmeeting on Premium Rails (Presented 18JUN20)

ICRI Webmeeting Deep Learning Applications in Railway Maintenance and Operation (Presented 28MAY20)

ICRI Webmeeting on Bezgin Method for impact force calculations (Presented 31MAR20)

ICRI Webmeeting on VTI Economics (Presented 25MAR20)

ICRI Webmeeting on Broken Rail Detection (Presented 30MAY19)

ICRI Webmeeting on Damage Modelling (Presented 24OCT18)

ICRI Webmeeting on Damage Modelling (Presented 08MAR18)

ICRI Webmeeting (Presented 12DEC17)

ICRI Webmeeting (Presented 06JUL17)

ICRI Workshop in London (01FEB17)

ICRI Webex Meeting (Presented 19JAN17)

ICRI Damage Modelling Webex (Presented 20DEC16)

ICRI RCF Webex (Presented 12DEC16)

Vehicle Track Interaction Strategic Model (VTISM)